Women’s Running Challenges can help keep you on the right path when it comes to your training or exploring something new! With challenges tailored specifically for female runners, these competitions provide an engaging way of adding variety and fun to your routine while improving performance, making running more fulfilling, enjoyable, and enriching every aspect of life.
Running Five Times per Week for 30 Days (Distance is Unimportant)
A common goal among new runners or those returning after an absence is increasing their frequency of running. This challenge can help newcomers and seasoned veterans alike to establish more regular workout habits while staying in shape.
Run Without Headphones for a Week or Two
If you’re new to running without headphones, this is an excellent way to reconnect with the experience of running without them and hear nature more clearly around you – which should provide extra motivation!
Negative Splits for 30 Days The goal of this running challenge is to get every run faster than its predecessor – whether that means increasing by one second per mile or 30 second gains over 30 days.
There are countless women-specific races that place special importance on thoughtful details, like necklaces instead of medals at the finish line and offering specific swag designed specifically for female racers – features which reflect what these events believe women need from races. But these events have reached saturation point according to Kristin Jacobson, associate professor of women’s gender and sexuality studies at Stockton College.